Content Search Work Management Tools - Aproove

Search Work Management

Advanced Search Filters

Build, save, and share searches 

Expert Search Filters

Advanced searching using Aproove's Query Language

Full Text & Content Search

Search for text content inside your proofs

Advanced Search Filters

Of course, Aproove has many in-built filters to help your workforce find and filter on the projects and assets that matter the most.

However, each business is different, so you need a flexible system to provide search and filter capabilities tailored to your exact business needs.

Aprooves' powerful advanced search and filter tool allows users (with appropriate permissions) to create and store searches to prevent repeating the exact search each time they use the system. The advanced search is also able to include bespoke metadata that you have stored inside Aproove.

Whatsmore (again, with the appropriate permissions), the user can not only store the search for themselves, but they can also share it with different users and groups.

When they share the search with other users, they can even give those users different permissions on the shared search. Those permissions are;

  1. They can use the search but cannot amend or share it (read-only)
  2. They can share the search with users in their contact database but cannot amend the search.
  3. They can have admin permissions share the search with users in their contact database with the added ability to amend the search criteria.

Users you share the search/filter with can then decide if they want to display the search/filter in their dashboard.

Aproove also has an "Expert" mode for advanced users, giving access to the "Aproove Query Language," allowing for queries to be built directly in the search interface with user prompts around the syntax

Get Started 


The video above shows:

  • The "Advanced Filter" option is located in the "hamburger" settings menu. 
  • Any existing search filters, or filters that have been shared with you are visible in this window.
  • To create a new search filter simply click on the + icon at the bottom of the window.
  • Name your search filter
Create your search filters 


The video above illustrates;

  • First, choose if "All" or "Any" of the search conditions should be enforced
  • Choose the "Data" you wish to filter from the pulldown menu. Please note; the video shows only the "out the box" data. If your administrator has applied custom metadata values, they will also be displayed here.
  • Now choose the "Operator" you wish to use on the "Data," e.g., data should contain, not contain, equal to, etc.
  • Now simply input your "Value" for the filter, e.g., a client name
  • Before saving, you can click on "Preview," allowing you to see the number of matches this filter will find. This is an excellent way to test the conditions you set are working as intended.
  • To add more conditions, click on the + button to build your search filter query. Test each condition using the "Preview" button.
  • Save your search filter when complete

Start using your search filter


The video above illustrates;

  • Navigate to "My Projects"
  • Your search filter is accessible in two places;
    • The filter dropdown menu
    • The "My Favorites" menu

Sharing your search filter


The video above illustrates;

  • To share your search, navigate to "My Projects" and select the stored search filter you wish to share in "My Favorites."
  • Click on the white "share" icon in the "My Favorites" header.
  • The share window will appear, and from here, you can select the users (or groups) you wish to share the search with.
  • Once you have selected the users, you can then assign what permissions you want them to have.
    • Read only - Allows the user to use the search.
    • Allow sharing - Allows the user to use the search and share it with other contacts.
    • Admin - Allows the user to use the search, share it with other contacts and change the search criteria and setup.

Enabling a shared search filter


The video above illustrates;

  • To display a search filter that has been shared with you, navigate to "My Projects," then click on the white cog found under the "My favorites" menu.
  • The "Shortcut management" window allows you to see any advanced searches created by you. It also displays any searches that have been shared with you by other users. From here, you can also manage your folder shortcuts. Just tick the search filters shortcuts you wish to display.

Expert Search Filters

For advanced users, Aproove have "Expert" search filter mode

"Expert" mode for advanced users gives access to the "Aproove Query Language," allowing for simple or complex queries to be built directly in the search interface with user prompts around the syntax. 

Of course, you want to hide complexity from your users, so just as with the advanced search filters, you can save and share your expert searches and allow other users to execute those search filters with the click of a button! 

Scroll down to the bottom to see some working examples!

Build your expert search filters! 


The video above shows;

  • Create a new search filter by clicking on +
  • Click on "Expert" mode.
  • Enter the search criteria you desire. For ease, you can use the dropdown menu items to help construct your search filter, these include;
    • System Tag
      These are all the available items that can be searched upon in Aproove
    • Operators
      Operators are values you wish to apply when constructing your search eg. greater than, less than, equal to, contains etc.
    • Tags
      Here you will see a list of all the available "tags" that have been created on your Aproove server
    • Metadata
      Here you will see a list of all the metadata key values that your administrator has made available (to you) on the Aproove server.

Working Examples

Me, MyId, MyEmail, MyLogin usage example

These variables are dynamic variables you can use in any Aproove Query Language (AQL) statements and will be substituted to their value at run time automatically. Please note that none of the keywords (reserved words) used in AQL are case-sensitive.

The following operators can be used:

  • = (equal)
  • Contains
  • Is Not
  • Does Not Contain

Usage Example

  • Me is the jSon Contact object of the connected person, this variable can be use to compare it to fields containing a jSon Contact information (either a single or multiple contact field). In the example below, if the traffic_key is a contact type metadata field, it can be compared to the Me variable. If the metadata field is a multiple contact type field, the ‘contains’ operator is more suitable than the ‘='.

    /* traffic_key */ key1115 = Me
    /* traffic_key */ key1115 Contains Me
    /* traffic_key */ key1115 Does Not Contain Me
    /* traffic_key */ key1115 like Me

  • MyId is the user Id of the connected person

    ProjectCreatorId = MyId

  • MyEmail is the email of the connected user. 

    /* traffic_key */ key1115 contains MyEmail

  • MyLogin is the login of the connected user.

    /* traffic_key */ key1115 contains MyLogin

Active Workflow Step searches

  • In order to search for Project that are in a certain workflow step, the ActiveStepName field is available.

    ActiveStepName contains 'THD.PRO.0.05' order by ProjectStartDate ASC

Date operations

  • Date, Time and DateTime type metadata fields can be compared to special variable like ‘NOW’ , ‘CURRENTDATE’ or ‘CURRENTIME’. 
    Currently, arithmetic operations are only supported on Date (not time) only. Date operations are all the arithmetic operators (+, -) . Some addition will come soon using other units than the ‘day’ default interval in operations. 

    All the basic comparison operators (=, <, >, <=, >=) are supported on all Date types.
    Using Now is quite intuitive and the unit when doing operation is the day.

    ProjectStartDate >= now-10

Sorting results

  • Sorting results can be achieved by adding the Order By statement at the end of your AQL Query statement. Please note that the statement should be the last of the AQL statetment.

    The Order By statement can be one or multiple fields used separated with comma with either ASC or DESC keywords.

    ASC = Ascending order
    DESC = Descending order

    All the basic comparison operators (=, <, >, <=, >=) are supported on all Date types.
    Using Now is quite intuitive and the unit when doing operation is the day.

    General Syntax is;
    Order By XXXXX Asc | Desc , YYYYY ASC | DESC, …

Usage example

  • Search for jobs with a metadata key containing a containing me and order the results using this key and then using the project id’s

    /* traffic_key */ key1370 contains Me order by /* traffic_key */ key1370 asc, projectID DESC

Misc samples

  • /* creative_key */ key1028 = me and
    ProjectName contains "TEST" 
    and ProjectName does not contain "THD" 
    and ProjectcreatorID = myid 
    order by projectname DESC 
Operators Explained

Value Description Example
AND Join to filters, where both conditions need to be met NbProof < 10 AND ProjectName = "Test Project"
OR Join to filters, where at least one condition needs to be met NbProof < 10 OR ProjectName = "Test Project"
( Group filters (NbProof < 10 OR ProjectName = "Test Project") AND ProjectDescription CONTAINS "test"
) Group filters N(NbProof < 10 OR ProjectName = "Test Project") AND ProjectDescription CONTAINS "test"
< Less Than NbProof < 10
> Greater Than NbProof > 10
= Equals ProjectName = "Test Project"
!= Not Equals NbProof != 0
>= Greater Than or Equal NbProof >= 10
<= Less Than or Equal NbProof =< 10
+ Add or Add Days ProjectDeadline >= (NOW + 7)
- Subtract or Subtract Days ProjectDeadline >= (NOW - 7)
/ Divide  
* Multiply  
contain   ProjectDescription contain “XYZ”
contains Same as above (support both spelling for readability) ProjectDescription contains “XYZ”
does not   ProjectDescription does not contain “XYZ”
ilike Non case sensitive fuzzy search (same as contain.s) ProjectDescription ilike “XYZ”
like case sensitive fuzzy search ProjectDescription like “XYZ”
is empty Does not contain a value ProjectDescription IS EMPTY
is not Same as does not (support both spelling for readability) ProjectDescription IS NOT EMPTY
is not empty Divide Divide
contain Contains a specific value, anywhere in the field, case-insensitive ProjectName CONTAINS "test"

"Out the Box" System items with the supported operators 

System Attribute Operator Description Example
ActiveStepName String   ActiveStepName contains “XYZ”
IsArchived N/A This item is added with no operator or value. By default, the search will not include archived projects unless you add this keyword.  “Whatever condition” AND IsArchived
IsNotArchived N/A  This item is optional as by default the query returns non archive projects  “Whatever condition” AND IsNotArchived
CurrentDate N/A  Variable containing the current date value ProjectDeadline = CurrentDate
CurrentTime N/A Variable containing the current time value in UTC TZ (server time)  Key1234 = CurrentTime 
(key above is a time type metadata key)
Me N/A Variable containing the connected user contact Id Object (jSon)  Key1234 = me
(key above is meant to be a single contact type value, multi contact can be used with the contains operator)
MyEmail N/A Variable containing the connected user email  Key1234 contains MyEmail
MyId N/A Variable containing the connected user ID MCreatorID = MyId 
NbProof Number    NbProof > 5
NoteContent String Any text in double-quotes NoteContent contains “XYZ”
Note Tag Base Number Note tag id (to be retrieved from the tag drop down list in the UI)  NoteTag = 4 /*Approved*/
Now Time Date Time type variable containing a UTC time stamp of now when invoked ProjectDeadlne > Now-10
ProofTag Base Number The ID of the tag. The Tags dropdown will automatically insert the ID of the tag, and add a comment with the name of the tag ProjectTag = 4 /*Approved*/ 
Project Deadline Date/Time Date and time, in double quote, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. The time portion can be omitted, and the system will assume 00:00:00. You can also use the keywords "now" or "currentdate" (without the quotes) to specify the date and time at which the search is executed. The keywords "now" and "currentdate" support adding and substracting days using + and - followed by a number (ieProjectDeadline <= (NOW - 7) ) ProjectDeadline <= "2021-01-01 15:34:00"). 
ProjectDescription String Any text in double-quotes, unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value ProjectDescription contains “XYZ”
ProjectID Number Project id field, number type  ProjectId = 5
ProjectName String Any text in double-quotes, unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value  ProjectName contains “XYZ”
ProjectStartDate Date/Time Date and time, in double quotes, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. The time portion can be omitted, and the system will assume 00:00:00. You can also use the keywords "now" or "currentdate" (without the quotes) to specify the date and time at which the search is executed. The keywords "now" and "currentdate" support adding and substracting days using + and - followed by a number (ie ProjectStartDate <= (NOW - 7) ) ProjectStartDate <= "2021-01-01 15:34:00"
ProjectStatus Base String  One of the following: "All", "Warning", "Empty", "loaded", "loading", "Error", "Approved", "Processing", "Waiting", "Monitored" ProjectStatus = “Approved”
ProjectTag Base Number The ID of the tag. The Tags dropdown will automatically insert the ID of the tag, and add a comment with the name of the tag ProjectTag = 4 /*Approved*/ 
ProjectTreePath String A path, in double quotes - "Client1/Fall/CampaignA", unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value ProjectTreePath contains “XYZ/ABC”
ProjectCreatorID Base Number The user id of the project creator. Intended to be used with user id type variable  ProjectCreatorID = MyId
SectionTag  Base Number The ID of the tag. The Tags dropdown will automatically insert the ID of the tag, and add a comment with the name of the tag  SectionTag = 4 /*Approved*/
TaskAnswered  Number  Counted task answered  TasksAnswered > 5
TaskAtRisk  Number  Counted task at risk  TasksAtRisk > 5
TasksCanceled  Number  Counted task cancelled  TasksCanceled > 5
TasksDone  Number  Counted task done  TasksDone > 5
TasksInProgress  Number  Counted task in progress TasksInProgress > 5
TasksLate  Number  Counted task late TasksLate > 5
TasksOnTime  Number  Counted task on time TasksOnTime > 5
TasksPending  Number  Counted pending tasks TasksPending > 5
TasksSent Number  Counted sent tasks  TasksSent > 5

Custom Metadata System Items

System Supported Operators Additional Information
Custom Metadata Values (any enabled values will show in the system list) The supported operators depend on the type of custom metadata key  
Text Keys =, !=, <>, contains, like, is empty, is not empty Any text in double-quotes, unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value. You can also use special values "me" and "email" that resolves to the logged-in user's login and email.
Number Keys <, >, =, !=, <>, >=, <=, =<, =>, ><, is empty, is not empty Numerical value, unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value
Boolean Keys =, !=, is empty, is not empty True, False, unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value
Date Keys <, >, =, !=, <>, >=, <=, =<, =>, ><, +, -, is empty, is not empty

Date and time, in double quote, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. (ie ProjectStartDate <= "2021-01-01 15:34:00"),unless you use the IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY, in which case you don't supply a value. The time portion can be omitted, and the system will assume 00:00:00. You can also use the keywords "now" or "currentdate" (without the quotes) to specify the date and time at which the search is executed. The keywords "now" and "currentdate" support adding and substracting days using + and - followed by a number (ieProjectDeadline <= (NOW - 7) )

Adding Comments to your lines

/*, */, /**, **/ Anything enclosed in single comment tags, /* comment */, or double comment tags, /** comment **/, is ignored in the search

Full Text & Content Search Work Management Tools

Aproove WM has powerful in-built search capabilities that allow users to quickly find projects, assets, and files and even find content within the proofs themselves.

Full-Text & Content Search is a fantastic feature that enables you to find text content within your proofs. Not only can you find text content, but you are also able to apply annotations from within the search results across single or multiple search results.

Perhaps you found a misspelling in one of your proofs and want to search all the proofs to ensure it was a one-off. Maybe you want to replace a specific word or term with new copy, or you want to search for an ingredient on a packaging file or search for a product code or policy number. Whatever the reason, the Full-Text Search is user-friendly, fast, and reliable.

Get Started

  • Navigate to your project and enter the Flat Plan view
  • Click on the search icon and start typing! As you start typing the number of search hits will display under each of the documents
  • Select a document which contains a search hit - the left-hand panel will display all your search hit results and display them on the page with a blue border
  • Click on any of the search results, and it will get displayed at the appropriate zoom level highlighted in blue


Navigate your search results

  • Once you have selected one of your documents, you can click on each result, and it will take you to the area on the page where the search hit was found.
  • If search results were found on multiple pages or documents in your project, click the arrow keys to navigate through the search results across all your pages and documents. Clicking the arrow key will only take you to the relevant page or document where a search hit was found.


Annotate your search results

  • If you want to add a note or multiple notes onto any of the search results, click on the search result so that the box turns blue.
  • Now select "Add Note" and type your instruction. The note will be added to any of the search results you selected on that page.
  • Once the note is created, you can even go back to the note and add any attachments or @mention users.