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5,4,3,2,1 WeAproove+ Is Now Launched!

We are excited to announce our new product, WeAproove+

Visit WeAproove+ Website Here!


WeAproove+ was launched to cater exclusively to those who need a SaaS-based Online Proofing tool without any complexity. The product is free to use at the point of entry, with the option to unlock paid features, without being forced to pick a product edition!

The product is ideal for freelancers, small companies, and those who want to try out Online Proofing.

Registering is easy and FREE, allowing you to try the product with no commitment or risk. If your Online Proofing usage requirements are light, then you can stay on the FREE product forever, and it will never cost you a dime! 

The FREE edition even has the @mention function available to all users. This feature is usually only found in the business editions of other Online Proofing Companies. 

bckground-dash-ok7-mobile-1While we are talking about "editions," WeAproove+ is unique and allows users complete flexibility; we do not force you to pick an edition or have a minimum amount of users. With WeAproove+, you decide if, and when you want to add more users, storage, or features to your account and you will never be forced to pick a higher "edition" to access specific functionality you require. 

With WeAproove+ you ONLY PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED!  With no hidden costs or drama. You can cancel at any time with no commitment!. No-Risk. No-Fuss!

Why did we create WeAproove+?

We recently re-positioned our AprooveONE Premium and Enterprise products to Aproove Work Management, which better reflects how these products have evolved into much more than just Online Proofing.  However, when we made this transition, we wanted to ensure we kept servicing those who only require Online Proofing without any other complex requirements. 

Aproove has always catered for the Online Proofing market, and our Enterprise-class award-winning review interface with its multi-functional annotation tool is embedded into the new WeAproove+ application as standard, for FREE! 

WeAproove+ offers an excellent entry point for Online Proofing. Once you are part of the Aproove family you have an upgrade path to Aproove Work Management should you start having more complex Online Proofing, Workflow Automation, Task Management, or Compliance needs. 

During the Corona Virus pandemic, Aproove wanted to support our business peers by offering FREE access to our Online Proofing technology. This was to assist companies who were transitioning to a home-based workforce where Online Proofing plays a vital role in the collaboration process for review and approval. WeAproove+ being FREE at the point of entry allows companies to continue using the product and assist them during these uncertain times. 

For more information or press inquiries please contact us here.

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