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Online Proofing Software for your business

Online Proofing Software for your business


One of the most crucial aspects in securing a successful business today is in the way it’s able to carry out effective online collaboration as well as integrating streamlined workflows that lead to the success of projects.

The key component of this process is to select the correct online proofing software. It can make the difference when it comes to your creative agency, marketing department or any other business, producing great content and quantity and quality of that content. Before we take a look at your online proofing tool options, we need to dig in a little deeper to understand your business needs.

Below, we outline the following aspects that you need to consider:

Collaboration Requirements

Figure out if your team needs to collaborate closely with one another and other stakeholders, or if real-time collaborative work or asynchronous feedback is more important for your tasks.

File Types and Formats

Find out what kinds of files your team uses on a regular basis (images, videos, documents, etc), and make sure the online proofing tool you chose supports those file formats.

Integration Capabilities

Also, think about your existing tools and platforms (project management software, design software, etc) and ensure that any online proofing software can slide smoothly into your workflow.

Ease of Use

Consider usability. An online proofing tool that’s intuitive to use and has an ergonomic interface will promote greater adoption and efficiency.

Security and Permissions

Make sure your sensitive files are safe from prying eyes with solutions that offer features like role-based permissions and secure sharing.

But what should you look for when it comes to online proofing software for business needs? We look at some of the important criteria…

Annotation and Markup Tools

A good online proofing tool should provide annotation and markup options so collaborators can leave clean, precise feedback.

Version Control

Tracking versions is helpful to see what was added or changed from the first iteration of a document. Make sure your online proofing software has a simple system for versioning.

Automated Workflows

Automate your review and approval processes with built-in workflows, and save time and reduce mistakes.

Mobile Accessibility

For people accessing as much as they do from their mobile phones, being able to use the online proofing tool on any device available at the time is essential to keeping up with your workflow.

Audit Trails

Maintain an audit trail of all activities. This is non-negotiable in terms of accountability and compliance.

Making an informed choice about which online proofing tool your business will use is a vital step that you can take to maximise efficiency and maintain the quality of output. Knowing your needs and identifying the best solution for them can allow your team to work together towards success. Online proofing software isn’t just a choice, it’s an investment.

Aproove Work Management also understands that it's not the only tool in your tech stack! Therefore, it offers seamless integrations with popular project management and creative tools, such as Adobe Workfront.

Directly interface your Adobe Workfront instance with Aproove's powerful Online Proofing capabilities. Whether your proofing requirements are basic or highly sophisticated, Aproove can have you fully integrated and up and running in no time!

This integration is possible using Aproove's own recently launched middleware platform, Aproove Concoord. Aproove can also expand this integration further based on customer needs. This fantastic integration capability enhances the overall efficiency of your workflow by eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms, enabling teams to work within their preferred tools, while still leveraging the power of Aproove for efficient proofing and approval processes.

Look how easily you can improve the efficiency of your organisation, mitigate risk and save money, by investing in such a simple yet powerful business tool from Aproove Work Management and our Online Proofing software!





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