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Streamlining Your Brand Team's Workflow: Our Guide to Online Proofing Software

Online proofing blog March 24 (2)

For those who work within marketing and brand management, you know that maintaining a streamlined workflow and staying efficient and organized is essential for success. With the increasing demand for high-quality content and rapid turnaround times, brand teams often grapple with multiple iterations, feedback loops, and communication challenges. However, with the advance of technology, particularly online proofing software, teams can improve their processes and collaboration for more efficient and effective results.  

Understanding the Challenges of Traditional Proofing 

Before we outline the benefits of online proofing software, it's crucial to identify the challenges associated with traditional proofing methods. In many organizations, proofing involves: 

  • A cumbersome process of printing the proof. 
  • Distributing hard copies. 
  • Collecting feedback through various channels. 

This consumes valuable time and introduces the risk of version control issues, miscommunications, and delays. 

Online proofing tools emerged as a solution to the shortcomings of traditional proofing methods. This technology allows brand teams to collaborate seamlessly. It provides a central 'hub' for reviewing and approving various types of content, including images, videos, documents, and other designs used within marketing projects.  

Here's how the right online proofing technology can transform your brand team's workflow… 

Improved Collaboration 

One of the primary advantages of online proofing software is its ability to improve collaboration. Regardless of their geographical location, team members can access one centralized platform to review and provide feedback on proofs in real-time. This not only speeds up the review process but also improves communication and collaboration among team members. 

Version Control and Audit Trails 

Version control is a common challenge when it comes to traditional proofing workflows. Online proofing tools eliminate this issue by maintaining a clear record of all proof versions. This ensures that team members are working with the latest iteration and provides an audit trail for accountability and reference purposes. 

Streamlined Feedback 

Gone are the days of deciphering handwritten notes on printed proofs or sifting through lengthy email threads. Online proofing streamlines feedback by providing a structured, organized platform for comments and annotations. Users can pinpoint specific areas of a proof, attach comments, and engage in threaded discussions, resulting in clear and actionable feedback. 

Time-Efficient Approval Processes 

Time is of the essence when it comes to branding and marketing. Online proofing software expedites approval processes by automating workflows, sending notifications, and tracking project progress. This ensures that proofs move swiftly through the review and approval stages, reducing bottlenecks and accelerating the time-to-market of projects and marketing materials. 

Online proofing blog March 24

Key Features of Online Proofing Software 

Maximize the benefits of online proofing by understanding the key features. Here are some prominent ones that contribute to the efficiency of a brand team once implemented: 

Annotation Tools 

Online proofing comes with advanced annotation features, allowing users to highlight specific areas, add comments, and draw attention to details. These tools enhance communication and ensure that feedback is precise and actionable. 

Collaboration in Real-Time 

The ability to collaborate in real time is a game-changer for brand teams. Whether team members are in the same office or working remotely across the globe, online proofing software facilitates simultaneous collaboration, resulting in a more agile and responsive workflow. 

Customizable Workflows 

Every brand team operates differently, and online proofing tools recognize this diversity. These can often offer customizable workflows that align with different organizations' unique processes and approval hierarchies. This adaptability ensures that the software complements existing workflows rather than imposing rigid structures. 

Integrations with Existing Tools 

Many online proofing tools, such as Aproove, integrate seamlessly with popular project management, design, and communication tools to avoid disruptions to established workflows. Such integrations enhance the interoperability of the software with your existing toolkit. For example, with Aproove, you can directly interface your Adobe Workfront instance with our powerful Online Proofing capabilities.  

Aproove uses its recently launched middleware platform, Aproove Concoord, to enable this integration. This capability enhances the overall efficiency of your workflow by eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms. Therefore, teams can work within their preferred tools while still leveraging the power of Aproove for efficient proofing and approval processes.  

Online proofing blog March 24 (1)

Selecting the Right Online Proofing Software 

With increasing online proofing technology options available in the market, selecting the right one for your brand team is crucial. Consider the following factors when evaluating potential solutions:  

Ease of Use  

Choose a tool that is user-friendly and requires minimal training. The goal is to enhance efficiency, not introduce additional complexities to the workflow. 


As your brand team grows and evolves, the online proofing software should be scalable to accommodate increased collaboration, content volume, and complexity. 

Security and Compliance 

Given the sensitive nature of branding materials, security is paramount. Ensure the chosen online proofing software adheres to industry standards and compliance regulations, protecting your brand assets and data. 

User Feedback and Reviews 

Research user feedback and reviews to gain insights into the experiences of other brand teams using the software. Look for testimonials that align with your specific needs and challenges. 

Cost and ROI 

Evaluate the cost of the software against the expected return on investment. Consider short-term gains, such as time saved in proofing processes, and long-term benefits, such as improved brand consistency and customer engagement. 

Overcoming Resistance to Change 

While the benefits of online proofing are evident, resistance to change among employees is a common challenge during implementation. Here are some strategies to overcome resistance and ensure a smooth transition: 

Comprehensive Training 

Provide thorough training sessions for team members to familiarize them with the new software. Highlight the advantages and address any concerns they may have. 

Communicate Benefits 

Communicate the benefits of online proofing software to all stakeholders. Emphasize how the tool will enhance collaboration, reduce errors, and expedite approval processes. 

Address Concerns Proactively 

Anticipate potential concerns and address them proactively. Providing transparent information can alleviate apprehensions about data security, integration challenges, or perceived disruptions. 

Future Trends in Online Proofing 

As technology continues to evolve, the world of online proofing is likely to see ongoing advancements. Here are some trends that brand teams should keep an eye on: 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration 

Integrating AI into online proofing software can automate repetitive tasks like file organization, metadata tagging, and annotation suggestions, further streamlining workflows and reducing manual effort. 

Enhanced Collaboration Features 

Future online proofing tools will likely incorporate even more sophisticated collaboration features, allowing team members to interact seamlessly in virtual spaces and facilitating dynamic brainstorming sessions.  


When it comes to branding, time is of the essence, and online proofing software is a fantastic solution for increasing efficiency and collaboration. By making collaboration and communication among team members easier and automating workflows, such a tool empowers brand teams to overcome the challenges of traditional proofing methods. 

Success lies not just in adopting online proofing technology but also in thoughtfully integrating tools that align with your team's unique needs and challenges! 

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